Prof David C Wilson will chair the morning session of the workshop: The Waste Prevention Programme – Exploring the Evidence, at Church House, London on 29 February 2012. This workshop, organised by CIWM on behalf of Defra and WRAP, aims to showcase recent evidence on how to achieve waste prevention and resource efficiency, and to provide participants with an opportunity to update on, and contribute to, government thinking on the forthcoming Waste Prevention Programme for England.
Waste prevention is at the top of the waste hierarchy, and is now also at the top of the policy agenda as EU governments prepare to introduce their national Waste Prevention Programmes by the end of 2013, as required by the revised Waste Framework Directive. The morning session of this workshop will focus on recent evidence, with a particular focus on business waste prevention and resource efficiency, but including also a new carbon tool for local authorities. The afternoon will allow every participant to contribute to round-table discussions, with the key issues from each table being put to a high-level panel for further consideration.
DCW has been advising Defra on their waste and resources evidence programme, and in particular on the evidence relating to waste prevention, for a number of years, and has managed two evidence reviews for them, on household waste prevention, published in October 2009, and on business waste prevention, which will be launched at this workshop.