The Welsh Government has launched a public consultation on its national Waste Prevention Programme. The programme focuses on the actions that householders and businesses can take to reduce waste, while at the same time saving money; and also on the possible interventions that Government can take to facilitate the process. Professor David C Wilson was invited to chair the stakeholder Steering Group convened to review the evidence base and advise on finalisation of the consultation document prior to its publication.
All EU Member States are required under the revised Waste Framework Directive to prepare a national Waste Prevention Programme. The deadline for publication is December 2013, and Wales is one of the first countries to consult on its proposed programme. A series of industry workshops will be held during May to help elaborate the proposals, and the consultation closes on 20 June 2013. The Waste Prevention Programme will ensure that householders and businesses in Wales are able to reduce: the quantity of waste, including through the re-use of products or the extension of the life span of products; the adverse impacts of the generated waste on the environment and human health; and the content of harmful substances in materials and products. Professor Wilson has worked extensively on waste prevention over the last ten years, and has published a number of peer-reviewed papers on the international evidence base for both household and business waste prevention. |